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MAY 14TH, 2023






Thinking the “beautiful” (an abject idea) as something beyond objectification and, therefore, beyond representation. To attempt its representation is to simply evoke it. 


In I SEE RED., the figure of HER is then a mere evocation of something so horrid it has no means of representation. It can’t be represented yes but let’s not demean evocation. Evocation holds great power in itself. With the film, the chosen way to evoke the “horrifying” was the humanity in it. What’s human is representable. Wendy is a person, even if only existent in a ficcional setting, and Carolina brought her to live through her craft as an actress. But what is so horrifying about Wendy when she is at last forcefully confronted by HER? Wendy’s reaction to the deed, her scream, her mouth that opens beyond day-to-day need and that stays open in a long durational in scream, her tongue sticking out in despair as if trying to hold on to life itself as her very being gets sucked away in an agonising manner by HER, a faceless being in red. We never see this fully. We can’t. For it’s impossible to represent such a thing.


MAY 15TH, 2023






This short piece of cinema was conceived from a budget provided by 4 months of part-time employment through the university.

The budget was directed, mostly, onto the travel expenses of the actresses who, due to friendship, accepted the challenge with no charge. Something I’m brilliantly grateful for. 

Financial aid was sought however, in hopes of paying all artists involved for the effort they’ve all put into the making of this short film (actresses, writer, composer and myself included). For I SEE RED. (the film), applications were made to the Portuguese institutions Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas, also known as GDA. The outcome of these still to be announced. 


The performance piece will seek financial aid from the Arts Council England and, in 2024, from GDA, this time not as a film but as a theatrical piece. 


MAY 15TH, 2023






Humility is a quality all humans should possess and I aspire to reach the perfect balance between it and an inflamed ego (something I have yet to achieve but hope to one day). However, humility shouldn’t demolish a dreamer. That, I am and I do fantasise often of achievements. Achieving recognition in festivals, for example, would feed my ego what it longs for and (as art is indeed meant to be witnessed, to be seen by the eyes of others) I have taken upon myself to send out the finished cinematic piece to film festivals. For now, they are as follows: 

  • MOTEL X - Lisbon International Horror Film Festival (location: Lisbon, Portugal)

  • Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest (location: London, United Kingdom)

  • Queer Lisboa (location: Lisbon, Portugal)

  • Cannes Indie Shorts (location: Cannes, France)

The outcome of these will be announced before the end of August. 


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